Spellings are taught across KS2 with groups of children of a similar spelling ability taught together in discrete 15 minute sessions 3 times a week. These sessions focus on a review, teach, practise and apply principal, following the No Nonsense Spelling Programme, continuing on from the teaching phases of phonics in the infants. Activities are designed to introduce new, and revise taught spelling patterns in a a fun and creative way. Children who require extra phonics teaching at KS2 complete three additional phonics lessons each week on top of their class-based spelling lessons.
Alongside discrete sessions, children are introduced to key topic and science vocabulary at the start of each new unit taught. These key words are displayed clearly around the classroom and children are provided with opportunities to practise spelling them in context. It is expected that children use these accurately in their written work. They will also be introduced to words from the Y3/4 or Y5/6 spelling wordlists as part of their English lessons, and again, the teaching of these words is embedded in context.