Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Bilotta

Miss Tench

Information for Parents

We hope that this booklet will help to answer any questions you may have your as your child enters Year 6.

In Year 6, as the children have entered the final year of juniors, we expect them to be independent. It is each child’s responsibility to be well organised and prepared for every lesson. We encourage good manners and the ability to care for and respect other people, at all times. We expect them to take care of their own books and equipment, as well as having a regard for the classroom environment.


In the morning, Maths and English are taught by Miss Bilotta and Miss Tench. The topics covered in each of the classes are exactly the same but the delivery and expectations are adjusted to ensure all children receive appropriate work.  In the afternoon, classes will be taught Science, ICT, P.E. and Topic work. The classes will be assisted by Mrs Kinder and Mrs Smithies. 


Homework is given for English and Maths every week but the day on which it is given may vary.  This is because we are keen to ensure that homework is an extension of the learning that has taken place in class, and not just given out for the sake of it.  Each child has been given a Maths and SPaG question book, which is where all of their homework will be completed. In addition to set tasks, children are also expected to read regularly, at least four times during the week. We encourage the children to read both independently and out loud as performing with expression and intonation is an integral part of the new National Curriculum. We will be continuing with online reading diaries which will need to be completed by the children, although we would recommend you monitor your child’s reading. Adults in school will monitor these weekly. Miss Bilotta and Miss Tench will be running a homework club every week during Tuesday breaktime for anyone who wants additional support with homework or aspects of lessons. This is a drop in session and doesn’t require signing up for. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, children who do not do their homework will be expected to stay in at break-time to complete before homework is checked. Our homework tasks are designed to support and reinforce the work done in class and to give parents opportunity to share their child’s work in school. Getting into a routine for homework also helps in the transition to secondary school. 


Children need to ensure that they come into school dressed in their PE kit on the days that they will be completing PE, which for year 6 is a Monday and Wednesday. Monday is the outdoor session so appropriate clothing will need to be worn. The children need to have two kits: an indoor kit, consisting of a T-shirt, shorts and pumps and an outdoor kit, consisting of a tracksuit and trainers.  Full participation is required for PE unless a medical note has been given. During the first half term, Year 6 will be participating in swimming lessons at Northwich Brio on a Wednesday afternoon in place of their PE session. They can still come to school in their PE kits, as these will be easier to get changed into, but will also be required to bring swimming kits. The first session will begin on Wednesday 14th and more information on this will follow. 


In year six, children are expected to make use of a wide range of equipment to ensure they make maximum progress in their learning. All resources are provided whilst they are in school, but we feel it would be of great benefit for children to also have access to calculators, protractors, rulers, pencils, handwriting pens, dictionaries and thesauruses at home. Children do not need to bring pencil cases in from home as everything that they will need during the school day will be provided for them.  

We, as teachers, aim to support your child in every way we can and you can assist us at home by:

Encouraging their independence (remembering homework and organising equipment);
Supporting them in their homework tasks, by establishing a routine and talking through their work with them;
Letting us know of any problems, as soon as they arise.

Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated and will contribute significantly to your child’s progress through school.

Class teachers    

Miss Bilotta

Miss Tench


Summer Term 

During the start of this term, our main aim will be to support the children in being confident and well-prepapred for their SATs tests. Although we know that these are most definitely not a measure of each individual child's abilities in all areas of life, we want your children to be positive and assured when sitting the papers. 

The much anticipated start to our play rehearsals will definitely keep your children busy this term. They are all eager about their roles in the Shrek musical and I'm sure you are fmailiar with all of the songs by now. If not, here is a link to a youtube video that you might find of interest.

In English lessons we will be looking at a new text called Skychasers written by Emma Carrol. We have already read a book written by this author, so your children might be familiar with the style.

In Maths, we will be focussing on developing our understanding of statistics and problem solving and will be looking at applying our maths skills in a variety of different real-life contexts.

Our topic this term is North America where we will look at the different countries that make up this continent and the contrast between the climates and biomes of these countries. 



Year 6: News items

My Happy Mind, by Miss Bowers

Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Display work items

Year 6: Events items

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Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Acting Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Miss Joanne Tilley

Governor: Mr Graham Emmett

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
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