Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ball

Miss Bowers

Mrs Kenyon

Welcome to summer in year 3

In Year 3, the teachers are Mrs Kenyon and Mrs Ball (who share the week between them in one class) and Miss Bowers, who teaches in the other year 3 class. 

Our fantastic teaching assistant, Mrs Rustage, supports learning throughout year 3.  For the first few weeks of summer term we are also pleased to be supporting an associate teacher, Mrs Dodsworth, in her second year placement in year 3.  

We also have a class pet!  His name is Gus and he is based in Mrs Ball and Mrs Kenyon's room.

Gus 2.jpg  Gus.JPG



Welcome back to the excitement of summer term!  This term, our topic is the Ancient Egyptians.  Our history, geography and art will all link to this theme. 

In English, our texts are Journey by Aaron Becker during the first half of the term and Zeraffa Giraffa by Dianne Hofmeyr during the second half of the term.  The children will have the chance to improve skills including writing speech, paragraphing and editing through different genres of writing.

As part of our guided reading sessions, we will be looking at the books The Usbourne Illustrated Atlas of Britain and Ireland and Egyptian Cinderella.

In maths, we will be focusing on continuing with our fractions unit followed by geometry.  We will continue to revist and revise number and place value skills, mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and other key concepts in our daily activities. 

During our science lessons, we will be learning about light.  The children in year 3 also have a weekly Spanish and art lesson.

Multiplication tables 

We are asking pupils to revise multiplication tables from year 2 (2, 5, and 10) and start becoming more fluent in the mulplication tables we work on during year 3 which are the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.  Each  pupil has a log in for Times Tables Rockstars and we are happy to resend these if pupils can not remember them.  Any time spent learning the multiplication tables at home will help aid their recall and greatly benefit them in years 4, 5 and 6.


In year 3, we value and promote a love of reading which we hope captures the children's imaginations.  We read exciting texts as part of our English work, guided reading and also at the end of the school day.  We know the week can be busy but we would ask that you try and read with your child as many nights a week as you can.  This can include you reading to them as well as them reading to you.  Once they have read, we ask that you log the book and page number using the GoRead app at least three times a week.  Children will have the opportunity at given times during the week to select a new book from the library that they can read for pleasure or share with an adult at home.


PE will take place on a Monday and a Thursday.  For both days, children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit and will not need to bring anything else to get changed in to as they will go home in their PE kit.  Monday's session will be outdoors and on the field where possible this term so please send your child in appropriate footwear.  If the weather is cooler, it would be beneficial if children wear a warm hoody and tracksuit bottoms.


Star of the week and positivity award

Every week, the adults in each class choose two pupils, who they feel have been working well and following the Charles Darwin way.  These pupils are celebrated during our Friday achievement assembly with the whole school and the pupils receive a certificate. We also have an award as part of our positivity value, which is awarded to a member of the class for having a particularly positive outlook on something that week or showing a positive attitude during the school week.


This website is updated regularly so keep checking for updates and photos showing what we have been up to!  Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or queries.  We will aim to check our email each day between 8am and 5pm.

Mrs Kenyon, Mrs Ball and Miss Bowers

Files to Download

Year 3: News items

My Happy Mind, by Miss Bowers

Year 3: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 3: Display work items

Y3 Dance Workshop, by Miss Bowers

Y3 Maths, by Miss Bowers

Y3 PE Lessons, by Miss Bowers

Year 3: Events items

There are no Events items to display

Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Acting Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Miss Joanne Tilley

Governor: Mr Graham Emmett

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
 School Calendar  School Gateway  School Bookings

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