
Date: 31st Jan 2019 @ 10:08pm


This month in Darwin’s Den the children have been very busy!

After the Christmas Holidays, we started the term thinking of New Year Resolutions, something they would like to work on either at home or in school. Each resolution was announced to the Den and the children received an applause from their fellow peers. You can view these resolutions on our display board.

Mr. Marland has come to join us a few evenings, especially around tea time! He helped serve the children their meal and stayed to listen to the children’s “favorite part of the day.” This is where we go around the table and all the children have a chance to tell us what they enjoyed most about their day. Coming to Darwin’s Den is often the most popular!

As you know we are taking part in the RSPB’s “Wild Challenge.” This month has been the “Big Birdwatch”, you may have seen it advertised on the telly. We learnt about different birds we might spot on our school grounds. We did this through playing a matching memory game, aimed at our infants and a factual bird version of top trumps, aimed at the juniors. In the colouring area we placed colouring sheets which contain different birds to get the children thinking about what we need to look out for when on the hunt. We have had a few walks around the school grounds keeping our eyes peeled and will submit our results next month.

We have had a new member of staff start this month, her name is Aleyna. She is with us on a placement working towards her bronze certificate in Duke of Edinburgh award. She has settled in really well and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She has led a group baking activity, the children made shortbread biscuits and chocolate nests, to fit in with our bird theme this month. Which the children loved!

The children also celebrated “Burns Night” this month, we talked about Robbie Burns and placed some Scottish themed colouring sheets on the colouring table. At tea time we tried haggis, all children had a taste and some even asked for more!


Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp


Governor: Mrs Alison Massey


Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves

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